Monday, December 28, 2009

princess theme birthday cupcake

masih untuk ulang tahunnya azza ..
bikin cupcake 2 macem .. untuk giveaway .. dan untuk tiup lilin ..

untuk giveaway, cupcakenya di cover pake fondant .. biar aman di perjalanan.
di kemas pake kotak mika
untuk tiup lilin, pake frosting buttercream dengan hiasan fondant.
keduanya pake lilin dan hiasan mahkota tiara jadi-jadian ... :p

untuk point of interestnya bikin castle dari styrofoam di balut fondant .. :P
benernya sih si castle itu pengen bikin 2 level lengkap dengan menaranya ..
tapi ternyata gak keburu waktunya .. hehehe

total look seperti di atas, selesai 15 menit sebelum temennya azza dateng ..
waktunya mefeeeet secara bikinnya juga ga ada yang di cicil .. :p

terus pas temen azza dah pada dateng .. azzanya masih tidur ..
jadilah dia di paksa bangun dan langsung mandi .
yg ada selama di depan .. moodnya masih belum dapet, fotonya gak ada yg senyum ...

moodnya balik ceria .. pas temennya pada pulang ..
dan pas buka hadiah .. hueheheheheh

princess theme cookie

dari project girl with cardigan, masih ada sisa beberapa cookie bentuk girl ..

untuk nguatin tema princess nya azza ..
dibikin as princess cookie ..

bikin cinderella, snow white n princess azza ..
maunya bikin princess yg laen .. tapi dah takut ndak bisa duluan .. heheheh

princess azza nya bikin 2 bentuk, satu pake rok biasa .. terus 1 bikin masterpiece nya ..
pake baju yang mirip ma baju yg di pake azza untuk tiup lilin lengkap dengan mahkotanya ..

terus .. di pajang bareng birthday cakenya ..
maunya di bentuk bouquet yang lengkap dengan magic wand nya ..
tapi karna waktunya mepet .. ya udah di tancepin di platik yg isinya beras ajah ..
terus di tutupin deh si beras pake kertas krep .. hehehhe

Sunday, December 27, 2009

azza birthday .. the 4th

semakin gede, azza semakin tau ... artinya ulang tahun ..

dari beberapa hari sebelum, dah sibuk ..
bikin surat terus di masukin ke amplop, buat tante warda, tante pang ma mbah mamak ..
kata azza, isi suratnya .. bertanya .. mo ngasih hadiah apa ? ..... hueheheheheh
tapi terus ujung2nya dia bilang ndiri .. terserah deh mo ngasih hadiah apa ... :p

kalo ke mamanya .. bilang hadiahnya minta 4 .. :)

terus dah bilang ndiri juga, pengen tiup lilin bareng temennya ..
terus pengen ada hiasan balon-balonnya ..

happy birthday my precious ..
robbi habli minassholihah ... amiin

Monday, December 21, 2009

wedding cookie with figurine

bikin cuman 1 ajah ..
as compliment and greeting juga ..

pengennya yang bersih simple anggun ... :)
di masukin ke kotak mika yg tipis dan di kasih pita senada ..

sayang deh .. si kukis nya gak bisa duduk diam di posisi hati bersanding gitu ..
hmmm .. next kudu cari cara .. biar bisa firm posisinya ..

pink lavender x'mas cookie bouquet

as per request .. kukis hias nuansa natal dengan warna pink lavender ..

di bikin pas long weekend .. yang ternyata full dengan acara bersama princess dan prince ku .. :)
jadinya ngerjain di waktu luang antara nya ..
kerjaan jadi tak tercicil dan kudu begadang untuk menuhi deadlinenya.

nah pas begadang ini ... di greencorner sendirian .. n suasananya sangat sangat spooky ..
awalnya di kuat2in .. bertahan dengan dada yg deg2 karena sesuatu yg gak nampak ..
akhirnya menyerah .. karena deg2an yg semakin jadi plus bulu tangan dan kuduk yg berdiri ... langsung lari ke kamar .. hiiiiiii tatuuuuuuut.

ya wis lah tidur aja sekalian .. dengan meninggalkan kerjaan yg baru 50% jadi ..
pagi denger adzan subuh .. lanjutin sisanya dengan pikiran yg agak stress takut gak kekejar deadline.

alhamdulillah .. its all finished 30 minutes before the deadline ...

dear invisible thing ..
please not to fear me again ..
I have to do this midnight baking, for my alter ego .. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

parcel kue natal -- x'mas cookie bouquet

berawal dari sample bouquet ini ..
yang kemudian di revisi ... di sesuaikan dengan requestnya ..
jadilah hasil akhirnya seperti ini ..

bentuknya sedikit berbeda dengan bouquet yg biasanya ..
karna menyesuaikan tinggi box ... yg agak kependekan.

lumayan bikin mabok .. project kali ini ..
kayak gak kelar2 kerjaannya .. padahal dah di cicil dari kapan hari ..

tapi seneng dweh ... pas dah jadi ..
dan di bikin baris .. :)

thanks to mamaitax yang nemenin keliling cari segala sesuatunya ... mmuuuaaaah ..

Pink and Purple flower Cake

This was the goal.......

....and this was our result!!! is the cake that I made for my daughter's 10th birthday!
So not what I had planned....I must learn to leave myself more time to do the actual decorating!!!!

I guess it's not that awful, it's just not what we imagined!! Fondant is not my friend. The end.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

simple birthday cake

simple birthday cake ini ...
untuk bang subur temennya azza ..

base nya ..
dari cake 16cm yg tingginya cuman 4cm, di belah jadi 2, di oles ama hollman buttercream yg di campur ama coklat filling.

toppernya ..
remahan cake hasil trimming yg di bentuk jadi buletan ..
terus di siram ma coklat biru nya mercolade, di taburi ma choco chip.

biar cake tampak lebih tinggi lagi ..
di tambahi coklat loli .. hasil sisa nyiram bola2 cake nya
di kasih juga tulisan yg ulang tahun

jadi berasa lebih rame deh ..
tapi tetep keliatan kecil sih .. hihihihi

Sunday, November 29, 2009

two tier birthday cake with figurine

repro dari vika birthday cake
tapi warnanya di bikin dua tone saja .. pink dan putih ..

cake nya diamater 16 dan 12 cm .. tinggi nya 9 cm
terus biar biar gak roboh .. di tusuk di tiga titik.

cover dengan fondantnya gak bisa rapi mulus
masih bergelombang ... hehehe

pertama bikin figurine .. dah jadi semua ..
tapi badan dan wajahnya .. gak kyak anak kecil ..
kalo kata encus .. kok dewasa ya buk .. :)
udah gitu mleyot lagi karna di oven .. heheheh
(lesson learn .. its a big no no .. ngoven figurine yg dah jadi utuh)

jadinya bikin lagi deh .. dan yang ini dah lebih anak2 wajahnya .. :)
nayamul lah hasil over all nya ..

behind the scene ..
cake ini punya cerita di balik layar yg panjang ..
dan memecahkan rekor bergadang juga ..
but finally its happy ending

birthday cookie bouquet

ini hasil revisi dari girl with cardigan ..
revisinya ... cardigan warnanya di terangin dan di panjangin,
warna bajunya lebih di mudain ..

untuk yg satuan buat di bagiin, dan ada yg di bikin as bouquet.

thanks to bunda pipidut, untuk gun extrudernya .. jadi gampang bikin rambut nya .. :)

Merry Go Round Cake

This is the cake that I made for my baby's first birthday!! The idea was a lot better than it was actually executed...but he was one. He didn't care!!

There are definitely things I would have done differently. But, I think it turned out okay!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

girl with cardigan cookie

ini kukis yang bikin deg-deg an ..
karna kudu nyesuain dengan foto, bentuk baju ma warnanya sekalian ..

bikin sample satu dulu .. terus minta approval ..
so far tanggapan ok .. tapi revisi sedikit ..

dan pekerjaan besar pun di mulai ...

#1 bikin kepala, kasih mata dan bibir .. lanjut bikin rambut, poni, terus di tempel hidung dan leher..
#2 bikin baju pink dalemannya, kasih efek renda di bawah
#3 bikin cardigan, kasih list, kasih kancing, terus di tempel ke #2
#4 bikin tangannya, terus di tempel ke #3
#5 bikin bunga, terus di tempel ke #4, tengahnya di kasih warna kuning
#6 bikin sepatu

baru deh .. di kuas pake air tipis satu2 bagian itu dan di tempel ke kukis ...
kalo dah ketempel semua .. baru deh .. di oven lagi ..

kebayang rumit dan lamanya, bikin itu 40 biji ... ?
yang paling bikin leher sakit .. pas bikin dan nempelin list ke cardigan.

hmmm .. jadi pengen beguru ke para cookie dan fondant hero ..
how to simplify it ..

next challange .. make it 3D for cake topper ..
wish me luck ..

Monday, November 16, 2009

65th Milestone Birthday

Vanilla cake was filled with chocolate hazelnut mousse for this milestone birthday of turning 65!

The simple, yet sophisticated design was created by the daughter of this appreciated mom.  The elegance of this cake was the perfect compliment for a special celebration for this mom's birthday.

Contact CAKE IT UP A NOTCH for your next celebration!

Lightening McQueen Birthday Cake

Lightening McQueen took 1st place at Riley's 5th Birthday Party this weekend.
A chocolate cake filled with vanilla mousse and a vanilla McQueen cake filled with chocolate mousse complimented the birthday celebration.  Cakes were covered in vanilla butter-cream and the special environment details were made from fondant.

This cake was custom made for the birthday boy.  You too can satisfy your little one's taste, while wowing your guests and making your special event more memorable with a unique creation from

Click on the picture for a closer look...

"Thomas the Tank Engine"

Thomas the Tank Engine rolled into the station for William's 3rd Birthday!  This was a chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and decorated in a light vanilla butter-cream.

This was the first 2D version of Thomas I had the opportunity to create.  View my other birthday cakes and you will see my 3D version of Thomas the Train.

Contact me for your loved ones birthday to make the event a memorable experience to cherish for years to come!!

moslem kid cookie

repro dari moslem kid cookie yg dulu di jual di bazaar ramadhan ..
tapi penggunaan fondantnya di minimalkan ...

maunya bikin anak laki pake kupluk pak haji dan baju koko ..
tapi pas dah jadi .. ini kok kayak anak pake baju hangat ya .. :(
duh kok gak makin pinter ya .. :)

terus bikin anak perempuan yg pake kerudung..
setelah sebelumnya bikin bocah berkerudung .. yg jadinya kayak bayi di bedong,
jadinya model kerudungnya di rubah ..

Happy birthday, dek fasha .. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

mini parcel kue kering hias natal

menjawab tantangan untuk bikin kukis natal ..
untuk di ikutin ke "tender"

awal di beri contoh bentuk kukis yg di inginkan ..
tapi nawar .. untuk bikin sesuai model ndiri .. ala GCC ..

agak keder awalnya .. untuk dapetin warnah merah dan hijau natal yang sangat tidak pastel itu.
tapi ternyata gak serumit yg di bayangankan ... cuman emang kudu gak boleh pelit ma pewarna

biar cepet .. dasar kukis pake fondant ..
untuk detail hiasan baru pake icing ..

terus ternyata masih ada box nuansa natal juga di lemari harta karun .. :P
sekalian di tata .. as christmas cookie mini gift.
cuman tampilan giftnya belum all out, karna ga ada pita nya ..

overall hasilnya ... puas .. :) ..
apa yg di kepala bisa di wujudkan.
tapi gak bisa happy ending .. karena .. gak menang tender .. hueheheheheh

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spider Web Cupcakes

I know I'm a little late. But, better late than never!!!

My sister made these cute cupcakes for our family Halloween Party.

I'm quite certain that she found them on a very cute and creative website. I just can't remember which one that might be. :)

She found, on that cute website, a template to use to make the webs. She put the template under wax paper and piped white chocolate onto the template. Waited for it to harden and voila!!

She did the same with the pumpkins. Chocolate, harden, voila!!

She made some amazing chocolate cupcakes and frosted them with cream cheese frosting and put the webs and pumpkins on top.

They turned out so cute.
You could also do.....spiders, chocolate frosting, candy corn....etc. They turned out darling!! Thanks for the cute idea, Mer.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

cone soes -- ncc soes week

soes bentuk cone ini,
model hasil menyontek dari tabloid nova edisi jaduuul banged.

dulu pernah ada satu edisi .. yg khusus tentang soes dengan berbagai bentuk dan vla.
tapi ngerasa yg unik dan bisa di contoh ya .. yg bentuk cone ini.

cetakannya pake cetakan kue cum-cum (ini bahasa malangannya :) )
bentuknya kyak kerucut gitu dari lembaran aluminium.
terus adonan soesnya di buat melingkari si cetakan.
jadinya, cone yg terbuat dari soes, yg bisa di isi dengan vla.

bentuknya gak biasa kan ya .. :)

note :
re-post dalam rangka ikutan ncc soes week

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

strawberry ganache birthday cake

birthday cake untuk tantenya Azza.

bikin ganache, dari sehari sebelum,
yang ternyata keenceran karena DCC yg kurang banyak .. :P
mati gaya gak ada ide, jadi cukup strawberry saja.

dah jadi kyak gambar atas, dah di foto2 juga ..
terus ngeliat strawberry yg masih banyak .. jadi gatel .. pengen di pake ..
akhirnya di tambahi strawberry nya .. dan di kasih serutan coklat ..

happy birthday tante pang ..

Elephant Birthday Cake

This cute elephant birthday cake was sent to me by my cute friend Jimi. She made it for her son's birthday! I stinkin' love this cake! I never would have thought to make an elephant head. You are so creative, Jimi!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

cookie for his birthday

Nothing fancy for his birthday
Just these 2 cookies, which made with full of love

Happy birthday dear U

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh The Yummiest Cake I've Ever Made

Let me start off by saying this. I <3 peanut butter and chocolate. It's not something that I can control. It's something that has plagued me since childhood. I can't really explain it, it just is. It makes me weak in the knees, it makes me cry a little bit and I have zero self control.

My sister found this cake over on Picky Palate. So, what else could I do? I HAD to try it. I mean, come on. I had to.

How delish does that look? Not only did it look good, it tasted even better. How often does that happen??? It was actually BETTER than I had hoped.

Cream cheese, chocolate cake, peanut butter and chocolate. Does it get any better?

I ate myself into a peanut butter and chocolate induced coma.
It was swell.

Monday, October 19, 2009

simple birthday cake

birthday cake untuk temannya azza .. si kakak putri ..
kalo tahun lalu cakenya model barbie ..
tahun ini gak ada persiapan karna taunya juga dah mefet ..

jadinya birthday cake minimalis model dan bahannya ..

cake ... lapis surabaya wannabe .. biasa .. beli langganan deket rumah
frosting ... coklat fillling di campur ma blueband ..
hiasan .. fondant, bunga gumpaste dan royal icing ..

gak pake border atas .. karna coklat krimnya gak cukup.
biar ada frame .. di kasih coretan dari royal icing ..
total bikinnya ga sampe se-jam .. :p

hasilnya .. ya gitu deh ... heheheh

family cookies bouquet for mama's birthday

ini repeat order yang pertama kali ...
dan kukis buket terbesar

detail isi kukis buket .. as di request ..
cerita semua anak dan cucu, mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun.
3 pasangan dan 7 cucu dengan nama masing2.

warna yg tetep girly pink lavender ..
bawahnya pake pot plastik yg melebar ..
yg di hiasi pita 3 motif berbeda ..

biasa bikin isi 11 .. yg ini isi 18 kukis
jadinya buketnya melebar dan meninggi ..
takut kalo pas di bawa kurir pake motor ... jadi gak keruan bentuknya ...

tapi alhamdulillah ...
di terima dengan bentuk yg tetap terjaga ...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

cookie with figurine

hmm .. ngeliat tgl posting terakhir .. tgl 16 september ..
dah sebulan ternyata .. ga beraktifitas di green corner

dan sekarang .. kembali ke cookies lagi .. :)

kukis coklat dengan hiasan figurine ..
kali ini figurinenya agak beda .. ada hidungnya .. heheheh
wajah nya lebih cute ya .. setuju tak ?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Winne the Pooh and friends

Winne the Pooh and friends came to Ella's 3rd Birthday this weekend.  A delicious chocolate caked filled with chocolate butter-cream icing.  This scene was taken in the 100 acre wood!

Create a special theme for your little one's next birthday party!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Halloween

Don't look too close, because it isn't great!!! But, this is the only Halloween cake I've ever made!!!

I made it for a mother/daughter activity last year and they had a cake walk...

I just baked two bundt cakes (so you get the ridges on the sides) and turned one upside down and frosted. Used a cupcake turned upside down for the stem. I would definitely do some things different next time....but, hey!!!! It's the thought that counts, right??

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Hi, I am a mother of 2 very active children. While working on expanding our family, I have been raising my children and have expanded my passion for baking!

I cannot take credit for the catchy business name my husband came up with, but will invite you to join many others who have supported me and my passion.

I would love to be responsible for taking your next cake experience to a new level.

Let me bake your favorite flavors into a creative design for your next celebration!

Click on the image above for a closer look!

Contact for your next event!!

Pixar CARS themed cake

This Pixar "Cars" themed cake was created for Ashton's 3rd Birthday.  A chocolate cake filled with vanilla mousse and decorated in vanilla butter-cream won everyone's heart at this birthday celebration.

click on the image for a closer look

Contact me for a quote for your next event:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Most Creative Cupcake Award -Children Museum's 6th Birthday

This weekend I had the opportunity to register with Cupcake Camp KW and enter my "Party Hat" cupcake. It took place at the Children Museum for it's 6th Birthday....... and it won "Most Creative"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feel free to browse the following links for more information and additional pictures of the other bakers and their creations that were also entered!!

pictures regarding the event:

These cupcakes were very fun to make. The "Party Hats" were made with mini ice cream cones, that were coated with coloured sugar and placed on top of the chocolate banana cupcakes decorated in butter cream and coloured sprinkles!!!

Happy 6th Birthday!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

almond tumbprint cookies

dapet bubuk almond dari bunda nandola .. (thx bund)
dah lumayan lama .. :) si almond duduk manis di chiller ..

sampai kemarin .. di bikin as cookis ..
pake resep dari sini (tfs ya mba eni) ... dan sedikit di modif ..

cuman .. modifnya tidak di lakukan dengan cermat ..
jadinya .. kukisnya maniiiis deh ..
plus lagi di tambah selai bluberry nya jadi tambah muanis wes ..

hiks .. sayang deh .. secara cookies ini di bikin dengan bahan yg premium semua ..

hmm another lesson to learn .. :)
